Many people think they seem unable to move in the right direction. They find it hard to discover the right approach that can help them reach their destination.

Without self-esteem, you do not have the confidence to take part in the world and realize your dreams. Not being able to respect yourself is a sign that you need some internal treatment.

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Book Chapters

Find out how Kevin Davenport helps one understand how to maximize their life and use these principles to make sure that they are getting the most out of life through the preview of Situational Awareness: Knowing Where You Are At In Business And Life’s chapters.

About The Author

Kevin Davenport

Captain Kevin J Davenport is a commercial airline pilot who has been flying for over 30 years.

He is a leadership expert and trainer, Marine Corps Veteran, author of Navigate Your Success, and co-author of the children’s leadership book Molly’s Leadership Follies: Power from An Idea.

He trained under leading experts Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield. Kevin is available for keynotes, workshops, or personalized coaching.

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Why Read It

Situational Awareness: Knowing Where You Are At In Business And Life is designed to help others find out where they are at in life. It is to help them create a safer environment, develop clarity, and understand how to maximize their best. Kevin J Davenport feels that people are unaware of how to develop winning skills and maximize their best foot forward.

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Kevin Davenport

Here is the official video trailer of Kevin J Davenport’s new book, Situational Awareness: Knowing Where You Are At In Business And Life. Make sure to order your copy of Situational Awareness, and see how your life can change for the better.


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